Tuesday, 22 December 2015
We need a personal care revolution : The shampoo example
It's shocking how many ingredients in shampoo and shower gels are chemical compounds which, can be toxic to skin. Let's use the example of a shampoo found in a pharmacy or supermarket. They will cost between SGD$8 - $15 for 250ml - 500ml. The big players being Loreal, Dove, Pantene, Herbal Essences, just to name a few. I completely agree, they are affordable. They have been manufactured to be cost effective, but not necessarily good for long term beauty care.
Lets use Pantene to illustrate this example. Remember their famous ads which demonstrate that after using their shampoo, it will create immediately silky hair. There's a reason for this. One of it's top 5 ingredients is silicone. Silicone is a fantastic ingredient to use in conditioner - on the surface anyway.
When a conditioner with high levels of silicone is applied to hair, it coats hairs with thin layers of silicone, sealing down damaged hair. This reduces the appearance of fly-away hairs and makes hair appear shiny for about a day.
Here's the catch - because it has sealed down the hair with the sticky silicone substance, it also prevents the hair from repairing itself and rehydrating. Any leave-on conditioners and hair oils don't have a chance to penetrate the hair to repair it. This means that over time, your hair will get more and more dry. Brittle hair and split ends will most likely follow.
That's not all it does. Silicone coated hair also reduce the amount of hair colouring that gets absorbed into your hair. Colourist either have to increase peroxide percentage to force the hair colour to take, or you're left with colouring that's not quite as vibrant as it should be.
Here's the best part - because your hair is now dry, you have started on the cycle of consumption. You need to buy product to hydrate hair, you need to buy product to make it appear shiny and in a further burst of irony, you need to buy product to detox your hair of chemical residue.
There is a solution, but it may not be the one you want to hear - there is no instant fix. The reality is that your hair is now dependent on silicone based conditioner and it's not been in a natural state for some time. When you do shift to a silicone-free hair care system, your hair will either appear oily or dry and for a weak or two. Yes! We're here to tell you the truth.
If you push on after those two weeks, your hair will start becoming naturally hydrated and shiny - believe it because it's true! The hair shaft will secrete the right amount of oil for your hair and your natural hair quality will start reemerging. It's absolutely inspiring how nature works. The reality is, you're designed to be beautiful. Give nature a chance to prove it! Use 100% natural. Use 100% organic.
by Dianne Little
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
d'Organica™ is the new skin doctor
Monday, 31 August 2015
Sick Air Syndrome - The air in your office is probably making you sick.
Isn’t it ironic that as air quality outside is stabilising, due to government agency regulation, the air quality inside our offices is probably getting worse? The irony continues. According to Environmental Protection Agency’s (US) 2015 report, newer, more energy efficent buildings are more likely to have poorer air quality than older buildings. It is estimated that a quarter of buildings in the US that are new or have been newly renovated suffer from poor internal air quality, making them ‘Sick Buildings”. Employees falling ill from building-related illnesses cost companies billions annually from lost productivity, resulting in them looking for solutions to this very expensive problem.
The Problem. The Reality
Certainly, in very polluted cities like Beijing and Mumbai, internal air quality by comparison is better. By in large, employees are working in a mild chemical stew due to urbanisation.
Ways pollution enters our buildings
• If fresh-air-intake vents from the a/c are in the basement or loading docks, it carries carbon monoxide from the vehicles exhaust.
• If smokers are smoking next to the intake vents, offices become polluted with second hand smoke.
• Printers and fax machines still omit ozone depleting compounds
• Pesticides and other chemical cleaning sprays will linger for days on office carpets.
• Revolving doors suck in car and cigarette fumes from the outside.

And guess what? You can’t escape because in high-rise and newer buildings, you can’t open the windows. You’re in a sealed building. Trapped with the air you’re in.
Even if your indoor air isn’t polluted, you simply may not be getting enough fresh air. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers recommends that ventilation systems pump in 20 cubic feet of fresh air per minute for every person in office spaces. In many cases, however, building operators pump in only 5 cubic feet. That’s like being in the air of a plane.
A long-distance flight, however only lasts a few hours. While you may spend up to 10 hours a day breathing bad indoor air. The result: headaches, nausea, dizziness, irritability, itchy eyes, and respiratory illnesses.
Building-Related Diseases vs Sick Building Syndrome
Building Related Diseases
Building-related diseases have a traceable cause such as colds that spread through an office or allergies and asthma brought on by dust or mold.
If you suspect that something in your work environment may be to blame, ask your human resources representative to talk to the building manager about having the building inspected. If others in your work area are ill as well, document your symptoms, including when and where they occur. Don’t be afraid to speak up. Finding the root of the problem is to your employer’s benefit, too.
Building-related asthma, for example, can cause permanent damage to your health and lost productivity and increased health costs for your employer. Investigators should check for water damage and humidifiers contaminated with microbes, which may contribute to work-related asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis, according to work-health specialists Mark Cullen and Kathleen Kreiss, who discuss indoor air pollution in the textbook Occupational Health (Lippincott, 2000).
Cullen and Kreiss add that nausea and headaches suggest carbon monoxide may be sneaking into the building through the air-duct system. Mysterious itching may be caused by exposure to fibrous glass from an air-duct lining. And relentless coughing and throat irritation may be the end result of harsh or improperly used carpet cleaners.

Sick building syndrome
You’re sick ... simply unwell. You feel a constellation of symptoms, fatigue, headache, dry, itchy skin, and irritation of mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, and throat. These symptoms tend to disappear once you’re out of the suspect building.
People with sick building syndrome usually don’t have any disease that a doctor can detect, but their suffering is undeniable, says Richard Lockey, MD, director of the Division of Allergy and Immunology at the University of South Florida and an expert on indoor air quality. In some cases, the symptoms are so severe that a person can no longer work at the building in question.
Sick building syndrome has become more common than all building-related diseases combined. So far, Lockey says, familiarity hasn’t led to understanding. Nobody knows for sure why so many people are getting sick: Is it really the air or is it something else?
Could sick building syndrome be related to the energy crisis of the 1970s, which resulted in highly insulated “tight buildings” and a lowering of ventilation standards to 5 cubic feet of outdoor air per person per minute? Or perhaps small impurities in the air are adding up to something big. As explained in a 1997 article in The Lancet, a British medical journal, tiny amounts of chemicals escaping from paints, carpets, office supplies, photocopiers, and other sources may be combining to make the air hazardous.
Some reports of sick building syndrome have been linked to another great epidemic of our times - job stress. According to Cullen and Kreiss, repetitive tasks, poor work relationships, and feelings of helplessness can all sap workers’ health as well as their enthusiasm. Anybody who spends all day doing tedious work and sparring with bosses and coworkers is bound to feel terrible, fumes or no fumes. Whether the main problem is stress or bad air, employers have to realise their employees are suffering real symptoms. Sick employees are never good for business.

Some Quick Fix Solutions
- Don’t obstruct air vents or grilles.
- Smokers must keep away from the fresh air intake ducts.
- Take care of your office plants -- dusty, dying plants don’t do anything for the air quality in your office, and over-watered plants can develop mold.
- Get rid of garbage promptly to prevent odours and biological contamination.
- Store food properly. Keep perishable food in the refrigerator, and clean the refrigerator out frequently to prevent odours and mold.
- Keep eating areas clean to avoid attracting pests. (Cockroaches have been linked to respiratory problems -- according to the EPA, certain proteins in cockroach droppings and saliva can cause allergic reactions or trigger asthma symptoms.)
- If you or your coworkers are having health problems that you think may be related to your office environment, work with your HR representative and building personnel to find the cause of the problem.
A Long Term Solutions requiring no construction
Source for a natural solution that doesn’t mask the problem but neutralises it. Singapore Scenting Systems™ has developed a solution that’s better than opening the windows in your high-rise office - Let’s face it, there’s no fresh air out there either.
Singapore Scenting Systems™, detoxes, deodorises and ionises the air that’s already in your office. It literally kills everything that’s not suppose to be there making the air fresh and clean. And with the right choice of essential oils, it can also uplift the space with beneficial aromas. Want to find out more? Visit www.thelittleessentials.com or email dianne@thelittleessentials.com.

Environmental Protection Agency. Air Trends. November 2008. http://www.epa.gov/airtrends
Environmental Protection Agency. Indoor Air Pollution: An Introduction for Health Professionals. August 2006. http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/hpguide.html
Air Quality Continues to Improve: new report and data. Environmental Protection Agency. Sept. 15, 2003. http://www.epa.gov/newsroom/headline_091503.htm
Building Air Quality: A Guide for Building Owners and Facility Managers, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/pdfs/iaq.pdf
Routine Maintenance, Cleaning Key to Eliminating Deadly Bacteria, Occupational Hazards, May 1, 2001, Vol. 63, No. 5, Pg. 31
An Office Building Occupant’s Guide to Indoor Air Quality. Environmental Protection Agency.
Indoor Environmental Quality, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, June 1997, http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ieqfs.html
Last Updated: Aug 11, 2015
#employees health,
#essential oils,
#men's health,
air systems,
human resource,
office bacteria,
office solutions,
scent marketing,
sick offices
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
Why Argan is fantastic for wrinkled and acne prone skin.
About Our Argan Oil (Argania Spinosa)
Argan is a perfect night cream. It balances sebum and naturally exfoliates skin which you sleep. Buy Pure Cert. Org Argan here. |
It is a yellowish liquid with medium viscosity. It does not have a distinctive odour, so won’t clash with perfume or fragrance.
From: Morocco (only natively grown in Morocco)
Method of distillation: Cold-pressed
Certification: Australian Certified Organic (ACO)
Quality: First Distillation / Therapeutic Grade (highest possible quality)
100% Pure, Unadulterated, Undiluted Carrier Oil
Chemical, Pesticide, Paraben Free
Use Coupon Code : Q244087E6 and get 20% off your Argan Oil and Free Delivery Within Singapore. S$10 delivery to India and Australia.
What is Argan Oil?
It is the essence of the argan tree. Only the oil from the nuts are used. Each batch of nuts is manually ground and pressed by hand.
Absolutely no heat is used to extract the oils. It takes about 12 man hours to produce just 1 litre of our premium argan oil. That’s how precious our argan oil is.
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Argan oil extracted from roasted nutsis used as salad dressing in the middleeast. Unroasted argan oil, which is cold-pressed is the right kind for skin care. Buy great quality argan for skin here. |
Why Our Oils Are Offered Only In Small Volume Sizes?
15ml - You only need very small quantities of our oils for it to be effective. This size should last you 2 months.
Other oils may appear to be cheaper, but you need to use more of it and they are riddled with chemicals and pesticides. Completely unsafe for topical application. In the natural skin care industry, you really do get what you pay for.
Main Active Ingredients in Argan Oil
Oleic acid (43-50%), linoleic acid (29.3-37%), palmitric acid (10-15%), strearic acid (4.3-7.2%) and others.
What Do They Do?
The body cannot make any of the unsaturated essential fatty acids (UEFA) listed above. Yet they are vital to healthy skin.
High in anti-oxidants, vital for cell reproduction and health.
What Does That Mean For Your Skin?
Regulates sebum - this is why is it great for both oily and dry skin and combats acne.
Argan is high in UEFA, it is instrumental in cell nutrition, health, reproduction and elimination of waste. This means that skin will be bright, fresh, plump and heal quickly without scaring.
How Is It Currently Being Used In The Skin Care Industry?
- It is popularly used in hair care products.
- However, The Little Essentials’ Argan Oil is pure, organic and therapeutic grade. Perfect for skin! It cannot be stressed just how nourishing argan oil is to the skin. We call it SKIN SUPERFOOD!
- Great for wrinkles, dry skin/hair, eczema, oily or dry skin and brittle nails.
- Argan can be used by anyone (except those with nut allergies), on any part of the body and even on sensitive skin. It is the perfect serum for sexy, youthful, pump skin.
- Our argan is pure, unadulterated, Australian Certified Organic and cold-pressed. It is the best possible quality you can find on the market.
- How To Use On Your Face
- Direct application highly recommended.
- Ditch your face cream altogether and replace it with argan. Just a little will do. Simply fantastic!
How To Use On Your Body
Ditch your body moisturiser for argan. It doesn’t leave an oily residue but leaves a silky sheen on the skin. If this is too pricy an option, try applying it to extra-dry areas like your knees, elbows, feet and hands.
How To Use On Hair
Direct application :
i) Use as a hair mask or leave-in conditioner. 3-4 pumps for a hair mask and rinse. Or just 1 pump as a leave-in conditioner.
ii) Rub 0.5 pumps in the palm of your hands and gentle fluff through your hair. Then pat down the ends. It will tame fly-away hairs and add a natural sheen.
To Condition :
We don’t recommend using argan in shampoo as argan does its best work on the hair itself. Not recommended for people with flat oily hair.
Other Uses Of Argan Oil.
Hot bath - Add 4 pumps to a bath. It will leave a natural glow to your skin.
Eczema - It is not known why eczema occurs. However, argan can treat the symptoms. Gently rub into infected areas. Even if your skin has cracked and is weeping, argan can still be applied. It contains no chemicals or steriods. It is safe to use on children with eczema.
Warning - Argan is a nut oil. It is not suitable for people with nut allergies.
After using our premium quality argan oil, you may be tempted to never use moisturiser or conditioner again - Try it today!
The Science Behind Argan’s Efficacy
According to the Argan Oil Society (www.arganoilsociety.org), Argan oil is able to treat hair, skin, nails, stretch marks and various dermatological conditions due to the presence of essential unsaturated fatty acids like sterols, polyphenols, ferulic acid, linoleic acid and Vitamin E.
Essential unsaturated fatty acids are important to the human body as they are vital for repairing cell membranes. However, they cannot be synthesised by the body, so they have to be ingested or topically applied. The extra benefit here is that while 80% of Argan oil is made up of unsaturated fatty acids, these fatty acids are extremely high in anti-oxidant properties.
Essential unsaturated fatty acids are also instrumental in obtaining optimum nutrition for cells as well as in excreting harmful waste materials. They also regulate sebum and assist in the formation of prostaglandins. These essential fatty acids are vital for the regulation and maintenance of healthy skin and prevention of premature aging.
Argan's Fatty Acid Profile
Palmitic Acid : 10-15% Strearic Acid : 4.3-7.2% Oleic Acid : 43-50% Linoleic Acid : 29.3-37%
Enter here to discover the function these fatty acids have on your skin. Once you discover just how effective they are, you'll never use synthetic creams again.
* Each batch of the oils we get will be different from the next, so the percentage mix of each compound will be different. The reason being is that this is a completely natural product, with no added ingredients, synthetic or otherwise. The chemical make up of the tree will vary according to soil, rainfall and other weather related conditions. Whatever is distilled from the plant, flower or nut is, refined if necessary, then bottled. Indicated above is the average range in which the active ingredients of our essential oil falls into.)
** If you would like an exact breakdown of the compounds found in the particular bottle you purchased from us. Feel free to email us at enquiries@thelittleessentials.com with your name, the name of the oil, the batch number and the order number you got when you purchased from us. We will be delighted to email the information to you.
Use Coupon Code : Q244087E6 and get 20% off your Argan Oil and Free Delivery Within Singapore. S$10 delivery to India and Australia.
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#hair care,
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Friday, 13 February 2015
Certified Organic Essential Oil Price list 2015 | Free delivery within Singapore
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Essential Oils as the new antibiotics to counter "superbugs"
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Add 4 drops of tea tree oil to your vaporiser to kill airborne bacteria. Click here to buy Aust. certified Org. Tea Tree Oil S$41.06. |
Below is a simple summary of the debate on why essential oils might be a better alternative than antibiotics in the war against bacteria and viruses.
Essential oils are ultimately just plant extracts—and those are used in countless products and and are the main ingredient in some insecticides and some over-the-counter medications, like Vicks and some hair lice sprays. They’re used in food and beverage industry because of their preservative potency against food-borne pathogens—thanks to their antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties. Various oils have also been shown to effectively treat a wide range of common health issues such as nausea and headaches, and a rapidly growing body of research is finding that they are powerful enough to kill human cancer cells.
A handful of promising, real-life studies have been conducted with humans and other animals, but most has been conducted in the lab. More controlled trials will be required before some of these applications will be available to the public, but meanwhile, scientists have turned up exciting results in another area of use: countering the growing antibiotic-resistance crisis. “The loss of antibiotics due to antimicrobial resistance is potentially one of the most important challenges the medical and animal-health communities will face in the 21st century,” says Dr. Cyril Gay, the senior national program leader at the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Research Service.
Can you believe that 80% of antibiotics consumed in the US is fed to livestock, and the percentages are increasing. We are now more resistant to antibiotics because we are not only consuming it directly but ingesting it via the meats we eats. There is now a strain of "super bugs" which are resistant to drugs in both humans and animals. The result - uncontrollable death rates in human and animals and billions of dollars in cost to the global economy (est. US$100 trillion by 2050), not to mention the billions of dollars needed (est. US$20 billion) to come up with new drugs to keep up with these "superbugs".
Livestock still need small amounts of antibiotics to treat infections. However, they are getting inventions (and the prevention of infection) in the first place because they are forced fed with growth hormones and live in cramped unsanitary conditions. The biggest misuse of antibiotics have in the farms!
Some evidence that natural antibiotics work
Published in October 2014, Poultry Science, found that chickens who consumed feed with added oregano oil had a much better survival rate than untreated chickens. Other research from a 2011 issue of BMC Proceedings, showed that adding a combination of plant extracts—from oregano, cinnamon, and chili peppers—actually changed the gene expression of treated chickens, resulting in weight gain as well as protection against an injected intestinal infection. So, there are even alternatives to growth hormones in poultry.
Some evidence that essential oils are just as powerful as manufactured antibiotocs
A study published in March 2012, Journal of Animal Science, found that rosemary and oregano oils resulted in the same amount of growth in chickens as the antibiotic avilamycin, and that the oils killed bacteria, too. Essential oils help reduce salmonella in chickens, and another study found that a blend of several oils can limit the spread of salmonella among animals. One of the co-authors of that study, Dr. Charles Hofacre, a professor at the University of Georgia’s College of Veterinary Medicine, says it’s such a new area of research that they don’t yet know exactly how the essential oils work, but “there is some strong evidence that they are functioning by both an antibacterial action in the intestine and also some have an effect to stimulate the intestinal cells ability to recover from disease more quickly–either by local immunity or helping keep the intestinal cells themselves healthier.”Lavender (Florin Gorgan/Flickr)
Evidence that essential oils may work better than antibiotics in humans
1) The healing of wounds from staff infections in hospitals were significantly faster when treated with tea tree oil
2) Sanitising gel made with lemongrass oil reduced the spread of infection from contact.
Research published in December 2013 reported that a hand gel made with lemongrass oil was effective in reducing MRSA on the skin of human volunteers, and previous research has shown that a cleanser made with tea-tree oil clears MRSA from the skin as effectively as the standard treatments to which bacteria appear to be developing resistance. This type of simple, inexpensive fix—an essential-oil-based hand sanitizer—could be a major boost to hospitals, in particular, since MRSA infections are so common in healthcare settings.
Recent studies showed that lavender and cinnamon essential oils killed E. coli, and when combined with the antibiotic piperacillin, the oils reversed the resistance of the E. coli bacteria to the antibiotic. Anotherrecent study found that basil oil and rosemary oil were both effective in inhibiting the growth of 60 strains of E. coli retrieved from hospital patients. Other research has produced similar results for many other essential oils, both alone and in combination with antibiotics. Researchers believe that one mechanism by which the oils work is by weakening the cell wall of resistant bacteria, thereby damaging or killing the cells while also allowing the antibiotic in.
Much research is needed to understand essential oils better but the money needed for this research is difficult to source as most research dollars come from the pharmaceutical industry.
Essential oils are a fix of a problem that still will continue is major changes to commercial farming are not sort out. If essential oils are to be a proper long term alternative, they must demonstrate that this practice is really useful, and essential oils must be given the same scrutiny that antibiotics haven’t been given.
Full and original article here : http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/01/...
#fragrance free #essential oil,
#men's health,
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
How To Choose & Use Essential Oils For Aroma
How To Diffuse Essential Oils In A Vaporiser
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Essential Oils not only smell great and have health benefits,they also give a room an atmosphere. |
There are many kinds of vaporisers. We are only mentioning the methods that we recommend for our fine quality essential oils. Our oils are premium grade, pure 100% certified organic oils. They must be used sparingly as they are extremely potent and concentrated. A little goes a long way.
Electric or Candle
Fill the diffuser with water and turn on the power or light the candle. Let the water warm for a few minutes, then add 3-4 drops of the required oil. It should last 3-4 hours.
Bowl of Water
If a diffuser is not handy. You can add 3-4 drops of oil to a wide brimmed small bowl of water. It will have the same diffusion effect except that it will diffuse for only 1-2 hours.
Choosing the right essential oil for aroma
Choosing For Emotions
Essential oils have neurological effects. The chemical compound of an essential oil will be absorbed through the capillaries in nose when inhaled and absorbed into the blood steam where it passes the blood brain barrier and changes the neurology of the brain. So, if you want to change your physiological or emotional state, you need to know what the dominant chemical compound of the essential oil. This will tell you the effect it will have you.
Choosing For Scent
Choosing the right essential oil for aroma alone, will in many ways depend on if you like it. Whether you like it, will in part depend on how it makes you feel. Please see Choosing Essential Oils For Emotions above to find out more about this.
However, choosing how long an aroma will last and what you will smell when an essential oil is heated and infused into the air will require you to understand the rate of evaporation of the oil a.k.a base notes.
Essential Oils with Top Notes : The oils in this category are those that evaporate the most quickly and the ones you experience first when an essential oil blend in diffused. The aromas of these notes are crisp and sharp.
Mandarin | sweet, floral, orange-like |
Geranium | floral, sweet |
Lavender | floral, fresh, sweet, herbaceous |
Ylang Ylang | floral, rich, sweet |
Lemongrass | Fresh, lemon, sweet |
Eucalyptus | citrus, fresh |
Middle Notes : The oils in this category make up the 'heart' of what you smell.
Lemongrass | Fresh, lemon, sweet |
Mandarin | Sweet, floral, orange-like |
Lavender | floral, fresh, sweet, herbaceous |
Base Notes :These oils have a very slow evaporation rate and extend the the amount of time the essential oil remains on the skin or in the air. Your nose will generally become aware of these aromas upon dry-down (in a vaporiser) or about 20 min after applied to the skin.
Frankincense | Woody, sweet |
So, essential oils that are in the top note category will diffuse throughout a room quickly. You will be able to smell in throughout the room almost as soon as the water in the vaporiser heats. Essential oils in the middle note category last the longest in a vaporiser. So, Lavender and Lemongrass will probably last in the diffuser for 3-4 hours or as long as the water in the vaporiser is still heating. Frankincense which have a strong base note, may not be noticed too quickly upon heating, but it will continue to diffuse throughout the room long after the water in the vaporiser has dried up.
Between, an essential oil's heath effects and its aroma, there is a perfect essential oil for everyone. For everyday use, we recommend Lemongrass (it lasts long while being uplifting) and Lavender (it lasts long while being relaxing).
Click on the essential oil of your choice to buy premium 100% pure essential oils
#fragrance free. essential oil,
Essential Oils,
geranium oil,
Sunday, 18 January 2015
When I first starting using essential oils, I found it complicated and confusing. I soon reaslied that this was because many retailers bombarded me with an overwhelming amount of information about what essential oils can do. Frankly, I got lost in that sea of information.
While I am in awe of the flexibility of essential oils, when you distill all that information down, certain oils with certain grades and more suited for certain things. So, the information on this website is primarily targeted for skincare and topical application. The reason being is that our products are all therapeutic grade. This means that they have strong remedial and healing properties. Our products are also 100% certified organic. This means that they are pesticide and chemical free.
Put this all together and you get a premium product which is safe (please see disclaimer) and effective for skincare and topical application. It would be a waste to use such premium products in your household cleaners or in a diffuser for scent purposes. So, we've kept it simple - providing information on essential oils for skin radiance because that's what the quality of our oils are designed for.
Your skin is the external representation of you. At The Little Essentials we want to invite you to take care of your skin the best way you can with the best natural skincare you can find.
I personally use all of the pure essential oils in our range. After all, if I don't use or believe in the quality of my product, why should I expect you too. I wanted to share with you how I personally use essential oils in my day. Perhaps it may give you some inspiration into how to use it in yours.
Also I would like to know how you use The Little Essentials essential oils in your day. I'd love to hear from you via Facebook, Twitter or send me a personal email on dianne@thelittleessentials.com.
Warm Regards,
Dianne Little
CEO & Marketing Director
The following is an example of how I use essential oils in my day :
Diffuser | In my car : I reuse Glade car freshners (the kind that comes in a bottle and clips onto your air-con vent). I wash out the wick and bottle and fill the bottle with lemongrass oil. It's a fresh and uplfting scent. | 3-4 drops of lemongrass oil into a diffuser. It makes my bathroom smell like a spa. |
Skin | Day : Eucalyptus spray under my arms. It kills odour causing bacteria which deodarants do not do. However, I use an anti-perspirant after it dries to reduce sweat as essential oils do not help with this. Night : Replace moisturiser with rosehip | Day: Use a lemongrass spray on my legs. I'm prone to insect bites. Eucalptus works too but doesn't smell as great. Night : Replace moisturiser with Argan |
Hair | Argan on my tips to prevents fly-away hairs and repair split ends. I use a tea tree hair spray to give my hair a nice scent. | In the Pool : I rub rosehip onto my hair to seal the shaft. It prevents chlorine from entering into it and drying it out. Rosehip is a dry oil so it won't disappate into the pool |
Face | Day - Tea tree spray as a face toner. I suffer from acne and tea tree is toxic to bacteria found in acne. | Night - I use 1 pump of argan under my eyes, my face and neck. I do not own night cream. Although I'm prone to acne. Argan oil has actually reduced my acne. |
#fragrance free. essential oil,
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