What's the function of scent marketing? Some companies simply want to scent a space to capture a brand identity. If this is the case, then the common methods of scenting using fragrance oils will suffice. However, there is a growing trend for office and commercial indoor spaces to extract a neurological and environmental change from their scenting systems.
Office spaces are now pumping their a/c system or using portable units to create air which is powerful enough to kill germs, motivate staff to be alert and smell fresh and clean. |
The traditional method of using synthetic, fragrance oil systems can't do this. Fragrance oils are an easy and cheap option, which have made them a popular choice for commercial entities. Advance-thinking companies are acknowledging that aromatherapy-based methods of scenting, have ways of increasing the bottom-line which may not seem obvious at first. Here are some reasons which have led HR, sales, operations and housekeeping departments to value essential oil based scenting systems.
Oils burners heated by a candle are the most common and affordable way to diffuse both essential and fragrance oils in a small space. |
Some reasons for the trend heading towards multi-purpose scenting systems
1) To change behavior
Essential oils will change the neurology of customers. For example, it may be used to relax patients at a dentist office or it may be used to make clients feel a sense of trust at the point of sale.
2) To recall a feeling or memory
A new trend is for real estate brokers to scent a home for sale with spice oils, like cinnamon or to create a feeling of warmth and homeliness. Synthetic fragrance oils are unable to create this physiological and psychological change.
Many offices are now opting to deodorise their fresh air straved spaces, with portable essential oil diffuser units. Yup! Body odour is a problem in male dominated offices. |
1) To deodorise their indoor space organically
Essential oils kill odour causing bacteria. Odours may be biological (food, body odour) or non-biological (cigarettes, care fumes). They also add fresh scents to the air.
2) To uplift stale air in a space that is always enclosed.
Essential oils will ionise air. This means adding (-) ions to create fresh air.
3) Kill airborne bacteria due to high incidence of sick days.
Essential oils when diffused into the air, kill almost all bacteria and viruses it comes into contact with.
4) As a pest repellent in spaces where there is food being served.
Certain essential oils are pest repellents. Even if the mist falls onto food or drink, they are completely safe to ingest. Fragrance oils are synthetic and unsafe for consumption.
Many offices are no longer discounting the high-tech multi-purpose use of diffusing essential oils commercially in their work spaces. |
Homes, offices and commercial entities, which want to create a client / consumer behavioural change will need to seek systems which are aromatherapy based. It works only one way - using REAL, essential / spice oils.
There are many methods of diffusion - fanning, evaporation, ionizing, spritzing. They all work to some degree, but the best method will depend on the size of the space, your budget, the availability of a power socket and the duration you intend to scent a space. (We will leave this for discussion on another blog post.)
Scenting utilising essential oils can be expensive, require speciality machines and will probably require a consultant to help you set it up properly. It may seems like a hassle in the beginning, but in the long run ...
- It can improve employee health
- There will be fewer negative comments about the scent
- Fewer people will have allergies from it
- It will detox and deodorise as it scents
- The ionizing effect on the space is priceless
The effect is not tangible on paper. In fact trying to write the experience to you will not do it justice. But, when you feel the difference of a space scented using fragrance oils vs essential oils, you can immediately feel the difference. The difference is so powerfully obvious that you will probably never use fragrance oils again.
fragrance oils = synthetic oils
essential oils = real botanical compounds
Fragrance Oils
• Many machines can diffuse.
• Synthetic, so may cause headaches.
• No therapeutic benefit.
Essential Oils
• Anti-bacterial, anti-viral, deodorising effect.
• Health benefits.
• Can be more expensive depending onthe choice of oil and diffusion method.
• Can be difficult to diffuse properly; not all machines can diffuse essential oils.
Want to discover the unique scenting system that is able to diffuse REAL essential oils in a commercial capacity. It's more affordable and easier than you think. Packages starting from SGD$960. Visit Thoth™ by The Little Essentials organic solutions company at
www.thelittleessentials.com or click on the logo below to find out about our commercial grade machines for homes and offices.